Tone receives Carl Prisen prize from Jan Sneum

Tone receives Carl Prisen prize from Jan Sneum

Last week the annual Carl Prisen-uddeling (the Carl Awards) took place, celebrating the memory of world-famous Danish classical composer Carl Nielsen.

Carl Prisen awards the great contemporary talents of the Danish music landscape, and among the awards is also the honorary prize which is given for lifetime achievements, and in the past has gone to among other Bent Fabric/Bent Fabricious-Bjerre. It is furthermore a tradition that the awardee hands over the prize money of 30.000 kroner to a talent which they appreciate and support.

The winner of the honorary award this year was longtime music journalist, grassroots music connoisseur and kind supporter of Uhrlaut, Jan Sneum, who passed the prize money to no other than Sofie Nielsen, also known as Tone, who humbly and thankfully accepted the money and gave a custom performance to celebrate Jan and his fantastic lifetime of work.

Danish music magazine Gaffa wrote:

Den pågældende kunstners værk beskriver han som værende “foruroligende, neurotisk på spændende vis, drømmende, visuel, og elektronisk med et glimt af u-digitaliseret stemme. Mine damer og herrer, giv en stor hånd til begavede Tone.” Hun går på scenen for at takke Jan Sneum for at have besøgt alt det upolerede gennem tiderne. Aftens mest intense, fascinerende performance går i gang, da Tone forkæler os med sin optræden, som er en elektronisk fortolkning af Sneums svar på et interview, hun havde med ham. Med sin bevægende stemme beroliger hun hele lokalet. Alle er lamslået, og ingen tvivler på, at æresprisvinderen har valgt rigtigt.

English translation:
Jan described the artist’s work as ‘disturbing, neurotic in an exciting way, dreamy, visual, and electronic with glimpse of un-digitized voice. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a big round of applause for the talented Tone.’ She steps onto the stage to thank Jan Sneum for having visited all the unpolished culture over his time. The evening’s most intense, fascinating performance commences, when Tone treats us with her show, which is an electronic interpretation of Sneum’s response in an interview, she had with him. With her touching voice she calms the whole room. Everyone are flabbergasted, and no one have any doubts that the honorary awardee have chosen correctly.

From Uhrlaut we would also like to applaud Jan as receiver of the award and thank him for all his support over the years!

Read more about the Carl Prisen 2015 award show here and watch the video describing Jans achievements.

Congratulations Jan and Tone!